Thursday, July 25, 2019

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

I watched the Mueller hearings and did not hear one Republican dispute a single despicable thing that Trump said or did according to the report. All the Republicans could do was talk about things that were not in the report. 

The showboating by Texas Congressmoron Louie (I Really Am As Dumb As I Look) Gohmert and Ohio Congressmoron Jim (All Mouth And No Brains) Jordon was laughable. I think it is time for Jordon to put on his coat and go home. You could add the I.Q.s of these two boneheads together and wouldn’t get to room temperature.

If you watched and were expecting Muller to do an Atticus Finch impersonation and deliver an Oscar winning oration, then you were probably disappointed. I thought he did a very creditable job and got the important things out that the public needed to know. The Report did NOT exonerate Trump. The bottom line is the report shows that Donald (Little DICK-Tator) Trump is the most corrupt, incompetent President in history.

Trump told everyone he thought the hearing was great.  It turns out that Trumpypoo had actually been watching a rerun of Judge Judy.

Iowa Republican Senator Joni (I’m Not Very) Ernst after visiting the kids in cages at the border compared it to having too many people show up at Thanksgiving dinner. Looks like Joni’s empathy bypass was successful.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

1 comment:

  1. Room temperature I.Q. These two are geniuses compared to Trump.
