Friday, February 25, 2022

Watch This


I was flipping through the TV channels the other day and decided to check out a few shows that I never watch.  First one was Swamp People.  They were featuring Texas Governor Gregg (Hell-on-Wheels) Abbott and Lt. Goober Dan (Pig-Face) Patrick. 

Then I switched over to Love After Lock Up and they had on former Congressmoron Anthony (Wanna Be Penis Pals) Weiner.  Anthony had just been released from prison for sending obscene material to a minor.  He said he had learned his lesson and would only use a professional photographer from now on.

Next was Ancient Aliens and they had a documentary on people who had been caught illegally crossing the border that were over a hundred years old.

Turned on the Sundance Channel and watched for about ten minutes but no Butch Cassidy or Sundance Kid.

Caught a clip of Law and Order where they were showing two policemen holding a menu and speaking with a waitress.

I checked out Cake Wars which was dumb because there wasn't one food fight. 

And finally, The Weather Channel which kept changing constantly.



Stay tuned for future adventures