Friday, February 11, 2022



The big day is almost here. You can almost count down the hours and on the day, there will be some celebrating and some disappointment.  There will be good feelings and there will be hurt feelings. There will be talk of wait until next year, that things will be different.  It is a day that has been on the calendar all year and for those who missed it, they will be sorry. I’m of course talking about Valentine’s Day on Monday.

Colorado Congressmoron Lauren (Bobble Head) Boebert compared herself to Jesus in an interview this past week. She apparently got her wish; I understand she was crucified on Twitter and Facebook.

Texas Congressmoron Louie (Dumbest Man in Congress) Gohmert accused the Justice Department of reading his mail. I understand they did try to read his mind but couldn’t find anything.

I saw where former President and Wana-be DICKtator Trumpypoo would tear up important papers and reports after he read them. I’m not buying it. I don’t believe that dipshit ever read anything

It appears Congressmoron Marjorie Traitor Green has watched Senifeld’s episode of the “Soup Nazi” too many times.

QAnon (Quackrey Assholes Narrating Obscene Notions) has decided that the Walt Disney Company is a satanic cult. I think it has to do with Mickey not wearing any pants.


Stay tuned for future adventures




1 comment:

  1. I'm inclined to agree, Donny is probably illiterate. As for shreding, it didn't wory for Nixon.
