Saturday, February 5, 2022

A Geography Lesson


I have noticed people referring to the place where I live as deep East Texas.  I guarantee there is absolutely nothing deep about East Texas.  I’ll admit it is knee deep in racism, conspiracy theories and low I.Q. politicians like Congressmoron Louie Gohmert, but that is certainly nothing to brag about.


I have been trying to figure out if Republican voters in Georgia are slow-witted, dull, stupid, obtuse, ignorant, bemused, absurd or simply uninformed.  After I read that they still think Hershel (I’ve Been Hit in in the Head Way Too Many Times) Walker is a viable candidate for Senator, I have decided that they’re just assholes.


In Florida, over five thousand residents have complained that when they received their voter registration cards in the mail, they discovered they had been illegally changed from Democrat to Republican voters. I think this is all part of the Republican Party’s new motto, “If you can’t beat em, cheat em.”


In Llano, Texas the Llano County commissioners have decided to remove the library online service Overdrive. Sounds to me like the Llano County commissioners need to be removed.


In McMinn County, Tennessee they had a good old fashioned book burning event. It was organized by Mt. Juliet pastor Greg (I Have God on Speed Dial) Locke. Besides being an “Arsonist for Jesus”, Greg is a big pro-Trump conspiracy theorist.   


In Washington D.C. the Republican National Committee said that January 6th, 2021 was just “ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse.”  That’s like saying on December 7th, 1941, Ordinary Japanese pilots were performing a legitimate air show over Pearl Harbor.


Stay tuned for future adventures




  1. I think the Pear Harbor anaology is spot on.

  2. BTW, the FAA and FCC battle over 5G simply put means if the FCC is wrong, people die. The FAA might have learned something from the Boeing 737 Max.
