Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Little Reminiscing And Some Observing

Seven years ago when we moved from Houston to the country, I was working on “Double Fault” and thought it would be neat to write in the outdoors. Many years ago on a trip to Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard, I had visited the home of Thornton Burgess who wrote “Peter Rabbit” and many other stories. He had a place in the woods where he would sit and write. The bench was still there, and I sat down and realized the woods looked the same as when he sat there many, many years ago. It was a surreal moment.

So I built a little deck and moved it out in the woods behind the house. I set up a table and chair and was ready to write. LOL… 

Being the city boy who had just moved to the country, I didn’t realize that the ants, mosquitoes and other critters had claimed this area way ahead of me. I never wrote a line there, but my deck, chair and table are still in the same spot.

After watching the debate the other night, I can’t figure out why former Congressmoron John (Motor-Mouth) Delaney is on the stage. If he wants to be a Republican, why doesn’t he join the Republican Party?

It has become obvious to me that millions of voters voted for the character that Trump portrayed on “The Apprentice”, so why don’t the Democrats get Martin (President Jed Bartlet) Sheen of “The West Wing” to run?

I have been saying for years that the Republican Party is the home of racist. They have been ever since they welcomed in the Dixie Crats after they left the Democrats in a huff over civil rights. Now we have tape of the Godfather of the Republicans, Ronald (Bad Actor, Worse President) Reagan when he was Governor of California talking to President Richard (I Really Am A Crook) Nixon.

Racist Ronnie says, “To see those monkeys from those African countries, damn them.” Which Nixon then laughs and Ronnie goes on to say,” They are still uncomfortable wearing shoes.”  Sounds like ole Ronnie was more Dixie Crat than Party of Lincoln, not to mention a real law bidding citizen.

I didn’t watch the debate last night, but I did watch the highlights later and found that there were no highlights. I would say that Senator Warren won the night again and she wasn’t even there.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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