Friday, August 9, 2019

Friday On My Mind

The Democratic Presidential candidates are in Iowa this week for the Iowa state fair where they will all be eating corn dogs and making their stump speeches. My brain always flashes back to this picture of former Minnesota Congressmoron Michele (I’m Just A Bubble Off) Bachmann.

The CEO of the NRA Wayne (I Only Shoot My Mouth Off) LaPierre called Trump and told him it would be unwise for him to back any kind of gun legislation even though the NRA is losing memberships and are involved with internal fighting among the executives. I gave a little history of the NRA a couple of months ago, but I thought it would appropriate to repeat it.

The NRA started as the National Rifle Association. When they decided to get into politics, they dropped gun safety completely and it became No Rifles Anymore because they were only interested in selling hand guns and assault weapons. Not long after getting into politics they morphed into becoming the National Radical Assholes. When the 2016 election came along, they became Now Rubles Accepted.  And finally, after the story broke that the top leaders and venders were embezzling money from their subscribers, they became Now Robbing Assets.

Talk about putting mental illness and guns together. Republican Senator Pat (Dummy) Toomey won’t support assault weapons because “they are so popular and no more lethal than regular rifles.” Well yes, they are quite popular with those folks who want to kill large numbers of people in a short time. I am pretty sure this guy is Pat’s gun consultant.

The latest polls show that 70% of all voters want assault weapons banned, but don’t hold your breath for that to happen.

This week ICE (Idiots Committing Enslavement) rounded up 680 workers in food processing plants around Mississippi. U.S. Attorney Mike (I Got My Law License At K- Mart) Hurst said, “They were simply enforcing the rule of law in our state.” Of course, it is against the law to hire undocumented workers, but so far none of the employers have been arrested. Could that be because a number of these plants are owned by the Koch brothers?

Word is that Trump is considering a pardon for former Illinois Governor Rod (All Hairdo, No Brains) Blagojevich. Trumpypoo thinks Rod was treated unfairly at his trial because there were no hair stylist on the jury.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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