Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rare Saturday Sermon

There is a new cult in my neck of the woods called the Church of Wells.  It is located in Wells which is a little dip in the road between Lufkin and Tyler Texas.  You may have read or heard about it since they have been in the news of late.  It seems the Church of Wells believes everyone is born a sinner and the only way to get right with Jesus is to be born again. Personally I lean toward the First Church of the Frisbee, where they believe when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and you can’t get it down.

The whole thing about us all being born sinners comes from the Garden of Eden and a talking snake which makes me think the book of Genesis might have been written by Steven King.  What the Church of Wells follows is stuff that is written in the Book of Acts which of course comes from the Gospel of Luke which of course is from Star Wars.

Personally I can’t remember what it was like being born in the first place so I am having trouble with the whole born again process.  Does it involve going all the way back to step one (conception), the wonderful folks who conceived me are no longer with us.  Do you pick it up at the point of sliding out of the womb, the doctor who delivered me is also long gone or is it at that time in your life when you say, “how in the hell did I get here?” which I have said too many times to remember because I won’t stop and ask for directions.

I’m not sure why the local media has gone full blown coverage over a cult.  You would think they had never heard of the Catholic Church

I don’t believe in what these folks think but I believe in their right to believe what ever they want.  I could care less in what they believe or do as long as they don’t start serving Kool-Aid to their followers.
I will say this to all those folks who claim to have been born again.  If you really were born again why didn’t you get a better hair-do?

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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