Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hump Day

Here are some humps.

Sarah (Half-Assed Governor of Alaska) Palin is really upset with those mean ole Republicans who are mad at her little boy toy Ted ( I have a Giant Ego, a Big Mouth and a Tiny Little Brain) Cruz.  She made some kind of stupid comment (have you ever heard he make any other kind) on Faux News about moose season ending and the upcoming 2014 elections. I can’t get pass trying to kill Bullwinkle to think how it connects to the elections.

The Religious Right is worming their way into the school boards around America and here are some examples of their fine work.  These are some the books that have been banned around the country and why.  The Diary of Anne Frank for explicit sexual content, Charlotte’s Webb for talking animals (seems that’s the devil’s work) and all of the Tarzan books because Jane and Tarzan were never married. 

What I can’t figure out is how The Bible manages to not make it on the banned list.  It has a talking snake, lots of murder and mayhem (brothers killing brothers) polygamy, plenty of sexual content immaculate and otherwise, incest (Hey if Adam and Eve were really the only two people, something was going on in that family) and I am pretty sure that Jesus turning water into to wine made him the world’s first bootlegger. 

A haunted house in Pennsylvania is taking “scare the pants off of you” to whole new level.  For $20 bucks you can go through their “Naked and Scared Challenge” buck naked. If something like that popped up around my neck of the woods, seeing some of my neighbors naked would be way scarier than any haunted house.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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