Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Morning Quarterback

Don’t you just love it when the answer to mass shooting is more guns.   Wayne (My gun is bigger than your gun) LaPinhead, the President of the NRA and pimp for the gun manufactures, said that there should have been more good guys with guns to take down the one bad man with a gun after the second mass shooting at a military site. He didn’t say what the ratio should be, 2 to 1, or maybe 10 to 1.   

Doug Dagger, the president of the NKA (National Knife Association) says he is thankful that mass knifings are way down.  He said he couldn’t remember the last time some one killed 12 random people at one time with a knife. 

Religious leaders in San Antonio are upset because say that a new law against discrimination doesn’t let them to discriminate against people they don’t like.  Yeah, I know. You may have to read that one twice.  After all, why call yourself a good Christian if you can’t go around judging people.

 Pope Frankie the Sissy said yesterday that, "The world has become an idolater of this god called money,"   This is from a guy who heads up an organization with an estimated worth of 8 billion dollars.

I am really surprised that the Republican war hawks haven’t jumped on Obama to use air strikes to quell the civil war in Chicago. 

It is quite apparent how the Republicans are still so upset about the 4 people killed in Benghazi doing a job that they volunteered for and knew was dangerous, but could give a shit about the 12 people killed at the Navy shipyard last week

How is shutting down the Government NOT treason?  Why don’t we de-fund Ted (Benedict Arnold) Cruz

If all of the Republicans who hate Government so much would just go home, things might work better.

How about the 24 hour news channels?  Fox News makes shit up. CNN gets shit wrong.  Its 2013, I think we deserve better.

I know I have said this before, but I think it bears repeating.  Why does Wolf Blitzer have a job?

So far the Republicans have spent almost 60 million dollars of the taxpayer’s money trying to repeal Obamacare and this past week they voted to cut 39 billion dollars out of the food stamp program.  What a great bunch of humanitarians and to think we actually pay these assholes a salary.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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