Friday, September 13, 2013

Another T.G.I.F.

Hey it’s Friday the 13th and you know what that means. We are 13 days into the month and it’s the last day of the week.  It is also the T-Bag Bonehead Republican’s favorite holiday, National Blame Someone Else Day.  Of course they actually do this everyday of the year but today it is official.  

Even a jerk like Russian President Putin realizes that another war in the Middle East is not a good thing.   Of course the Republican war hawks are beside themselves that we haven’t started a new war.  After all, Iraq is over and we are leaving Afghanistan so how are they going to justify the giant defense budget if we are not shooting and bombing people.

It appears the George Zimmerman Defense Fund was misnamed.  It should have been called the George Zimmerman Living It Up Fund as none of the over three hundred thousand dollars went to pay his attorneys.  They say they haven’t received a nickel. The upside of this is that the gun nuts who shelled out this cash didn’t get to spend it on guns and bullets.

Evolution is a funny thing. An example is how “Dancing with the Stars” has evolved into “Dancing with Someone You Might Have Heard Of.”

Oh the irony.  Michele Bachman could be convicted of violating campaign law for using money from her campaign to promote her book “Core of Convictions.”

Pope Frankie the Sissy announced yesterday that you don’t have to believe in God to get into heaven.  I think everyone is okay with that except the two boneheads who wrote the “Left Behind” series.  I understand they are devastated.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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