Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Big Sleazy

 Meet the asshole who wants to replace our current asshole as Governor of Texas.  Attorney General Greg (I’ll make sure only my friends can vote) Abbott is doing his best to change Austin, Texas to “The Big Sleazy.”  His favorite line, which he uses in every speech, is “I go into the office, I sue Obama and then I go home.”  So far he has sued the Federal Government 27 times and has won a whopping 4 cases costing the state of Texas 2.8 million and counting.  Obviously Perry Mason he is not.

 He has shown to be totally devoid of any compassion and empathy for anyone but he does have a boat load of gall.  He has argued that the Americans with Disabilities Act is unconstitutional despite the fact that Abbott himself has been paralyzed from the waist down since 1984.

He posted this poster on his Facebook page a while back.

Not only is it incredibility stupid, but the grammar is wrong.  I would never take advantage of someone disabled, but for this jerk, I would gladly drag his ass out of his wheelchair and kick the shit out of him.

Jane (Helen Reddy I’m not) Nelson, Texas State Senator and Republican chairwoman of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, says that the abortion bill isn’t a “War on women” and that she is a leader of women’s rights.  I think she means a Tammy Wynette, Stand-by-your-Man-type women’s rights.  In the last legislative session, Nelson was among those who voted to cut more than $73 million out of the state's $111.5 million family planning budget, which resulted in cutting off 147,000 women and closing more than 50 clinics. She also voted against bringing the state into compliance with the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, a federal law that makes it easier for women to sue employers over wage discrimination.

 And then you have Texas State Rep. Jodie ( Dumber than Michele Bachman and twice as ugly) Laubenberg, who I am pretty sure also thinks the earth is flat and the moon is made out of cheese.  And being the true hypocrite that she is, Jodie blathered on about protecting “Pre-born life” in support of the abortion legislation last night but back in 2007 she said that fetuses aren’t “people enough” for health care.

If you still don’t think that Republicans hate poor people, take a look at this.
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Arizona, New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, Maine, and Arkansas are all currently controlled by the GOP and their conservative economic policies. These same states are the ones most affected by the loss of food stamps which the Republicans just eliminated with the passage of the farm bill.

And for all the deficit hawks out there, the government had the biggest surplus this past month since the financial crash in 2008.   In fact June's surplus was the largest on record for that month.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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