Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Boneheads of the Week.

Texas Governor Rick (Shoot First and Ask Questions Later) Perry is going on a peace mission in the Middle East. Slick Rick said, "We will be going to Israel to bring together Arabs, Christians and Jews in an educational forum."  First of all most of the Christians there are Arabs.  He should be trying to bring the Muslins together with the Jews and Christians, but you know Ole Governor “Oops,” who thinks two out of three ain’t bad.

Let me get this straight. A 17 year old black kid on the way to visit his father one evening is stalked by a Rambo wannabe who must think he is also Sherlock Holmes because he has deduced that the kid is a menace to society due to the fact that the boy is wearing a hoodie.

Even after he is told to stop following the kid, Rambo confronts him and is getting his ass kicked, Rambo turns into a whining, crying Barney Fife and shoots the unarmed kid.  Now a white judge and an all-white jury decide that Mr. Chicken-shit is not guilty of murder because he was loosing the fight. Now there are a number of people who think that this is perfectly acceptable.  Those people are called racist.

I have noticed that all of the pro-life conservative assholes in this country say they are thrilled and that justice has been served.  Of course if the deceased had been a fetus, the reaction would have been just the opposite.

Former Governor of Illinois, Rod ( I May Use More Hairspray than Rick Perry)Blagojevich has filed for an appeal of his conviction on 18 counts of corruption.  Blagojevich said he didn’t mean to do anything wrong, he just was having a bad hair day.

 Congressmoron Rep. Andy (I Only Come Out in the Dark) Harris, Republican from Maryland, didn’t mince any words talking about last week's verdict in the George Zimmerman trial. "We're hung up on this one case, where this one fellow was, in fact, found not guilty by a jury. That's the way the American law system works," Harris said Tuesday morning in a radio interview. "Get over it."

The Big Business lobbyist group, better known as the Supreme Court, has had quite a summer.  The justices made it more difficult to bring class-action suits against companies, raised the bar for workers to win discrimination claims and protected pharmaceutical companies against people who say they were harmed by defective generic drugs.

This was a headline on NBCnews yesterday.
Can you be electrocuted by your smartphone?

No but your bill can shock the shit out of you.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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