Monday, July 22, 2013

New Week, Same Ole Dumb Stuff

The Party of No strikes again. I have been trying to get my head around this one all week.  A proposal to ban the sale of firearms to individuals on the FBI’s terrorist watch list was defeated by House Republicans last week   I am pretty sure if they had substituted “surgical instruments” for firearms and “abortion doctors” for terrorist, it would have passed with flying colors.  What a bunch of hypocrites.

When Republican House speaker, John (It’s My Party, I’ll Cry if I Want To) Boehner was asked about the dismal approval ratings for Congress he had this incredibly stupid response.  "We should not be judged on how many new laws we create. We ought to be judged on how many laws we repeal."  Ok, let’s try that John.  Let’s see you assholes have tried to repeal “Obamacare” 37 times and have failed.  Still comes out the same. Complete do-nothing jerks.

I just read an article describing Virginia Gov. Bob (I May Not Have Rick Perry’s Hair-do, but I’m Just as Unethical) McDonnell, who is being investigated for taking gifts from a major benefactor as once being a rising star in the GOP.  What is this ONCE being a rising star? The man is under ethics investigation, which makes him a major star in the GOP.

 A witness in the trial of Whitey Bulger, Boston mobster, has been found dead.  Death is attributed to lead poisoning from the 29 bullets in his chest.   The man prosecutors say was Bulger's top lieutenant, "The Rifleman”, briefly took the stand last week.  Wow, and I thought Chuck Connors was dead.

 News out of Germany this past week reports that a far-right group calling itself the "Werewolf Squad” was planning a terror attack.  The Quileute tribe , consisting of Paul, Embry, Jacob, Sam, Jared, Quil, and Leah have been taken into custody and questioned.

I guess Lance Armstrong really can’t quit lying.  Yesterday he announced that he had won the Tour de France for the 37th time.

Here is a headline off of

Falling TVs send a child to the ER every 30 minutes

I don’t know who this kid is but I think his parents should make him stop watching tv.

This is the road in front of my house, so don’t tell me I’m not on the “straight and narrow.”

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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