Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday Blah Blahs

I made the mistake of actually looking at Facebook this week. My usual routine is to open it up and see if I need to say happy birthday to someone, then close it immediately and go to and to be informed and entertained by people with knowledge and intelligence.

Anyway I saw a conversation going on about the Sony hacking story and someone wrote that this would have never happened on Reagan’s watch.  Huh! I have to admit that since the internet wasn’t in existence when that bonehead was President the only hacking was done by cigarette smokers, but let’s see what did happen on Ronald (Bad Actor, Really Bad President) Reagan’s watch.

Here is some more bad news on the education front. Not only has college tuition gone through the roof in the last decade, for no apparent reason that I can find, now we Texans find out that Condoleezza (Princess Liar of Iraq Wars) Rice is the front runner to be the next President of the University of Texas. She said if she got the job she would personally head up the Department of Misinformation.

It’s all in the name. I believe that Jed Clampett would make a better President than Jeb Bush.

Did Admiral Byrd and Admiral Perry have a Bi-Polar disorder?

I really don’t understand why anyone would ever take anything Bill (I’m America’s Bully) O’Rielly or Rush (Tiny Brain, Big Mouth) Slimebaugh says seriously because you can go into any neighborhood bar in America and find an overweight, half-drunk, pompous blowhard saying exactly the same things.    

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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