Friday, December 12, 2014

WASHINGTON D.(despicable) C.(creeps)

The TeaNut Republicans didn’t waste anytime deregulating and moving big money out of politics right into the politician’s pockets.  The 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill agreed on to keep the government’s lights on has some cute little gifts for the TeaNuts.  First of all they dismantle the Dodd-Frank Wall St. law so that Wall St. and the major banks can go back to scamming the public like they did that caused the 2008 financial meltdown and they raised the amount of money individual wealthy donors can give to national party committees from $32,400  to $324, 000 dollars. 

I’ll just say this about the few voters who decided that the TeaNuts should be in charge and actually voted and the massive amount of voters who decided to stay home. Some people are born stupid and for others it’s a learned disability.

Congressmoron Michele (I Really Am Dumber Than Sarah Palin) Bachmann gave her farewell speech on the floor of the House of Representatives yesterday.  Once again she proved that she really should be part of Cirque Soleil as she showed the ability to stick her foot in her mouth while having her head up her ass at the same time.  She said that Moses was the greatest lawgiver in the chamber because he brought the Ten Commandments to America.  Michele then went on to tell how it took Moses 40 years to find his way out of the House of Representatives chamber.    

Texas Governor Rick (All Hair, No Brains) Perry went on TV this week and said that you don’t have to be smart to be President.  He said, “Running for the presidency’s not an IQ test.”  Well yeah,  George Warmonger Bush proved that.

 Once again Ida Clare has words of wisdom. Check it out.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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