Friday, October 10, 2014

More Stuff

 Wow, I learn something everyday.  I just found out that Annie Oakley, famous American sharpshooter had a sister. I believe she was a singer. Her name was Kara Oakley.

Texas Attorney General Gregg (Hell On Wheels) Abbott who wants to be the next Rick (All Hair, No Integrity) Perry, is all a twitter about his endorsement from Carly ( I Can Run Any Business into the Ground) Fiornia. Carly was the former CEO of Hewlitt-Packard where she left a legacy of thousands of laid off workers, unmet earnings projections and tumbling stock prices.  She was also an advisor to John (Civil War Veteran) McCain's campaign when he picked Sarah (Half-Ass Governor, Full Time Moron) Palin to be his running mate. That alone should tell you enough about Carly’s I.Q. Quite an endorsement. Sorta like having Attila the Hun endorsing you for the Nobel Peace Prize.  

A guy in Dallas dies from Ebola which he became infected with in another country and the news media has gone All Ebola, All the Time.  But see if you have heard one word from any news media or politician about this. The Journal of Patient Safety recently published a study which concluded that as many as 440,000 people die each year in this country from preventable medical errors in hospitals. So 440,000 people die each year that could have been prevented and nobody says word. NOT A WORD. There are no Senate hearings, nobody on the Sunday talk shows ranting and raving about 440,000 people dying needlessly.  Am I missing something here?   

A superintendent at a high school in New Jersey has canceled their entire football season because the bullying by seniors and juniors of the lower classmates on the team was so bad.  A football coach and several of his players at a high school in Pennsylvania have been suspended for duct taping a sixteen year old autistic student to the goal post and leaving him.  Sounds like some future All-Stars of the NFL (Numerous Felons League) to me.

I just read where Faux News bonehead Eric (I Get Paid to be an Asshole) Bolling apologized for his sexist remark of “boobs on the ground” when talking about the first female pilot in the United Arab Emirates Air Force. He said when he got home that night; he got the look from the wife. I am still in shock. I can’t believe this jerk is actually married.  Please tell me they don’t have any children.

 Stay tuned for future adventures.

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