Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday Editon

After reading all of the comments made by the far right-wingnuts this week I have come to the conclusion that there are two words that are now totally interchangeable. Republicans and Racist? 

Former Texas Governor Rick (All Hair, No Brains) Perry called the shooting in Charleston, SC an “accident”. Really, this asshole racist killed nine people by accident. Every time I think little Ricky can't get any dumber, he finds a way to embarrass the state again.  He also said he thought he thought the real issue was drugs in this case. Well there is no doubt the kid had been drinking heavily from the “White Supremacy” well for quite some time. I think maybe the person on drugs is little Ricky.

Jeb (At Least I’m Not Neil) Bush said Friday night that he didn’t know if the shooting was racially motivated, this was after the kid said he wanted to start a race war, but then again the list of things that ole Jeb doesn’t know would stretch to the moon and back.

Rick (I Really Should Be In A) Santorum said the shooting was another assault on religious liberty.  Well Ricky, they were in a church so one could assume they were Christians, but we know for fact that they were all black, so you can take your Christian persecution and shove it.

None of the GOP would bring up gun control other than say now is not the time to have a discussion about guns. That’s because it is never time to talk about guns with these boneheads. The truth is now is exactly the time to talk about guns.

Houston radio blow hard and certified racist Michael (I’m A Bigger Asshole Than Rush, But Not As Smart) Berry spent most of the morning yesterday defending the confederate flag as a symbol of southern heritage. You know, something to be proud of….like this guy.

And to all of the wacko gun nuts who believe the 2nc amendment gives every bonehead in the country the right to own a gun, exactly what is it about “a well regulated militia” that you don’t understand

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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