Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday Bubbles From My Soap Box

Looks like Lousyanna Governor Booby (Jihad) Jindal has the Duck Dynasty vote tied up.  Let’s see counting the 11 family members on the show and the show audience of 23 unrelated boneheads, wow, he is almost up to fifty votes already. Little Booby went on the TV over the weekend to complain about the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.  He said he believes in the traditional biblical marriage of one man and multiple women.

Surely the Republican Party can see that they are going to have to make some major changes very quickly.  Word is that New Jersey Governor Chris (I’ll Close That Bridge When I Get To It) Christie is going to do a cannonball into the Presidential pool next week and let’s face it, that clown car is packed as it is and Chissy Pooh is no lightweight.  I mean literally. This guy must weigh 330.  They are going to have to get a eighteen wheeler.

Texas Congessmoron Louie (I Really Am As Dumb As I Look) Gohmert is afraid that God will leave America unprotected now that boys in black have ruled on same-sex marriage. I wonder if he is talking about the God who was asleep at the wheel during 9/11. Sandy Hook, Charleston Church massacre, Pearl Harbor, Influenza of 1918 and about a jillion other instances since the beginning of time.

Oklahomaphoic Senaterrible James (I’m Not A Scientist, But I Am A Moron) Inhofe said yesterday that he has gay friends who thought the Supreme Court ruling was wrong. That is probably the biggest lie this asshole has told yet.  This bonehead has no friends.

Pat (If You’re White, You’re Alright) Boone thinks the President shouldn’t talk about racism. This asshole who made his career standing on the shoulders of black people by covering their songs is the racist in this conversation.  When this jerk was singing “White Christmas” he wasn’t talking about snow.

 The first time I heard this no-talent bonehead’s version of Little Richard’s Long Tall Sally or Tuttie Fruttie, I wanted to throw up. He needs to crawl back under his rock and wait for rapture.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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