Monday, July 7, 2014

The Sky Is Falling

I have really had it with this religious freedom crap.  Most of you who read this little blog know that I am not a religious person.  I make no bones about it, but I also totally believe in everybody having the right to be as religious as they want to be. If a person wants to go to church seven days a week and read the bible 23 hours a day, I’m more than fine with it.

What has really pushed me to the limit is all of the whining, crying and moaning I hear about people losing religious freedom.  In the first place these crybabies could at least be honest and say that it’s their particular religion that they are so concerned about and we are talking Christianity here.  I am pretty sure they don’t give two cents about any other religion. 
Here is what I don’t understand about their claims of how they are so persecuted and their rights are being taken away.  I don’t see anybody nailing the doors shut on their churches or burning them down.  They are able to go on every TV & radio show in the country and spout their scripture and hate talk 24 hrs a day and I haven’t heard of one Christian being gagged, arrested and taken away for spewing their crap to anyone who would listen.

This country is not a Christian nation and never has been one no matter how wing-nut Christian wackos try to rewrite history to fit their beliefs.  As in how they have edited the Bible 175 times to fit their liking.  America is 360 million people who get to openly believe in hundreds of different religions.

Now I do believe there is a large, very loud group of pseudo-Christians here. They don’t go to church to worship, they go to look good.  They don’t read the Bible as they claim but simply cherry pick the parts they can use as an excuse to discriminate against their fellow human beings.

I also believe we made a step toward a theocracy last week when five men in long black robes, who obviously have taken the word “Supreme” in their title way too seriously, decided that religion trumped women’s health care.  I think their decision was really not that surprising when looking at some of their past rulings and considering how misogynistic most religions are. 

My first instinct when I started writing this little piece was to tell these pseudo-Christians where they could shove their signs about religious freedom, but what I really wish they would do is go home, get on their knees and pray to their God to give them some compassion, empathy, common sense and a whole lot of gratitude for getting to live in a country that has the most freedom of religion on the planet.

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