Friday, July 18, 2014

Flakey Friday

 More than 56,000 people have signed a “Draft Mitt” petition.  I would be willing to bet they are all Democrats.  I would love for this bonehead to run again.  

An atheist told me he had positive proof that there was no God.  He said Dick (I Really Am A Dick) Cheney has had five heart attacks and is still alive.

I understand there is a new “I Miss George Bush” page on Facebook.  So far it has one like. Halliburton.

Speaking of “W”, the History News Network asked American historians from the nation’s top research universities and liberal arts colleges to grade the presidency of George Warmonger Bush.  Sixty-four historians responded of which over half rated his presidency an outright failure.

And the icing on the cake, a poll last week found that even 74% of newly insured Republican voters like their health coverage under Obamacare.

The Republicans have voted to have some work done on the Statue of Liberty


With the new inscription “To the tired, poor and huddled masses….Up Yours.

I don’t know why there is so much being made of Pope Frankie the Sissy saying that the priest no longer have to be celibate.  According the multitudes of lawsuits all over the world, they have been having sex for years.

Texas Congressmoron Louie ( I Really Am As Dumb As I Look) Gohmert is still ranting  about the children crossing the border.  He went on the House floor to read Webster’s definition of “Invasion” I can think of a few other “I” words that are more associated with Looney Louie. Idiot, ignoramus, ill-advised, ill-bred, imbecile, immoral, impetuous, impious, impolite, improper, impure, inaccurate, inane, incapable, incendiary, incoherent, indolent, ineffective, inefficient, inexcusable, inferior, ingrate, innocuous, insane, insensible, insincere, insolent, inept, insulting, inappropriate, invidious, irrelevant and irresponsible.

And of course there is irony.  As in


Even though Looney Louie is the actual person, Mr Burns is the one with the actual brain.

 Stay tuned for future adventures.


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