Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Double Hump Day


Texas Governor Rick (All Hair, No Brains) Perry.


Macho Man or Mucho Gay?

Ricky Poo and Texas Attorney General Gregg (Hell On Wheels) Abbott have decided to spend 12 million dollars a month to send Texas National Guard troops to stand around, shuffle their feet and try to stay awake along the Texas border.  They can’t arrest anybody or shoot anybody unless fired upon and as far as I know these kids don’t have any guns, bazookas or tanks.  They can’t even stop anybody and ask them how their trip was. All they can do is sit on their butts and draw taxpayer money.  

Ricky poo has said he will take the money out of unneeded parts of the budget such as health care and transportation.  Little Ricky believes in JesusCare.  Just pray that you don’t get sick and the bridges don’t collapse.

He and Gruesome Greggy will also demand the feds to reimburse the Lone Star state for this little political maneuver or little Gregg will sue them.   In other words, these assholes will not accept federal money to help sick Texans but will demand federal money for this fiasco.

So far Gregg has sued the Obama administration 27 times in 5 years and has lost 23 times costing the state around 3 million dollars.  Gregg is known around the courthouse as Hamilton Burger of Perry Mason fame.

Perry and Abbott have blossomed into Nixon/Agnew of Texas politics. Both of these assholes should be run out of the state on a rail and I don’t mean the Southern Pacific.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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