Friday, April 18, 2014

An Open Letter to Cliven Bundy and All His Supporters at Fox News and in The Tea Party

Dear Boneheads,

It is obvious that you despise the Federal Government and appear to be looking up to the ideals of Government hater Timothy (I Kill Children) McVeigh.  So here is my suggestion. Since there really aren’t very many of you, I mean in the scheme of things out of the 360 million people who live in the United States, you so small in number that you are completely insignificant, you can all move to Clark County where the Bundy ranch is located. There is no need for you to be thinking of seceding from the USA because we are evicting you.  Clark county Nevada will no longer be a part of the United States therefore you will receive no federal funds of any kind.  No Medicare or Medicaid, Social Security, Federal aid or ranch and farm subsides, postal service or any other Federal aid or assistance. Of course anything you wish to sell to the United States will have to come under foreign trade laws.  Also there is no need to build a fence around Clark County, anyone caught coming to the United States will simply be deported back to Clark County like any other illegal immigrant.

Since you are simply a bunch of boneheads who have decided that you don’t have to live by the laws of the United States and not an actual country, we will act as if you do not exist. Have a happy carefree life.

Yours truly,

Rod Tanner.

 Stay tuned for future adventures.

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