Friday, April 4, 2014

Mo Money

So it seems the Supreme Court believes in The Golden Rule. You know, the one that says he who has the gold, rules. Now there is no limit on how much individuals can give to political campaigns.  In other words, the 1% can pretty much buy themselves a personal candidate.
The bottom line is it puts the pressure on us to really check out the candidates running that we get to vote for because money on both sides will put out ads that are misleading or all out lies.  As much as this pisses me off because I think it makes for a unfair playing field, I have to remember that no matter how much money the Koch (Roach) Brothers or Sheldon (I'll Buy That) Adelson throw at certain candidates to buy ads on TV and all kinds of other stuff, they can’t buy my vote.  It ain’t for sale


Last week I said that the Westbury Baptist church who asked people not to protest the funeral of their leader Fred (Thank God He’s Dead) Phillips should get the Gall of the Year award, well here is the runner-up. He is Congressmoron James (Money For Nothin’) Moran, Democrat from Virginia.  He thinks the folks in Congress (Most of which are millionaires) are underpaid and is introducing a bill to raise their salaries.  Boy, here is your tax dollars at work. 

Republican Senaterrible Dan (Wrong Way) Coats of Indiana delivered an opening speech, followed by a question about the Defense Finance Accounting Services’ system in a hearing he was attending when one of Coats’ staffers handed the senator a note. It seems he was in the wrong hearing.  He said later, “I saw some familiar faces and I thought this is where I should be.” Where this bonehead should be is somewhere other than Congress.

Texas Governor Rick (All Hair, No Brains) Perry is refusing to comply with the federal prison anti-rape law. Once again our fair Governor, instead of showing leadership, is showing his ass.  No pun intended.

The College of Charleston has been on a campaign trying to attract more minority students, but evidently their board of trustees didn’t get the memo. They just selected Republican Lt. Governor Glenn (The South Will Rise Again) McConnell to be the next president of the college. Ole Glenn is a big time civil war re-enactor and for years fought to keep the Confederate flag flying over South Carolina’s capitol building.  I believe this is a picture of ole Glenn in his younger days.

 Stay tuned for future adventures.

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