Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Great American Asshole

Wayne (Shoot First and Ask Ques….Oh To Hell with the Questions) LaPierre, Chief-Dick-Head of the NRA (National Rabid Assholes) said in a speech last week why America is the greatest country in the world and why he loves it so much. . He said, "We know, in the world that surrounds us, there are terrorists and home invaders and drug cartels and car-jackers and knock-out gamers and rapers, haters, campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers, road-rage killers, and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids, or vicious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse the society that sustains us all."  

He went on to say how the founding fathers, Smith & Wesson, Samuel Colt and Mr. Remington build this country on the principles of Lock & Load.  First you kill all the Indians and the buffaloes and then shoot anybody else that disagrees with you.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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