Friday, April 11, 2014

I See Dumb People

Hey look, Iowa has a Rick (All Hair, No Integrity) Perry clone.  His name is Bob (I Have a Big Gun and a Tiny Brain) Quast and he is running for a Senate seat.  He has an ad running where waves a gun around and says he will "blow your balls off."  The gun in the ad is Glock, but he says he really prefers a .45 because it matches his I.Q.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier blew past Noah at the box office this week-end which says that the movie going public had enough fantasy and was ready to get back to real life.  

Former Presidential wannabe, ordained Southern Baptist minister and currant talk show blabber Mike (All-Around Huckster) Huckabee had this to say in a speech the other night. He said, “Men like to hunt and fish with other men and women like to go the restroom with other women.”  Any doubts why this bonehead didn’t make President?

When told of a report on the disparity of women by 72% to 28% on Sunday morning talk shows, Cokie (It really is CooCoo) Roberts said, "I haven't noticed it.”  Obviously Cokie hadn’t noticed it was 2014 instead of 1814.

And in the race for who can be the absolute stupidest talk show host on the planet, I believe the winner could be Joyce (Am I on the Air?) Kaufman of Florida.  In interviewing Kris (I Believe People from Mars May Be Voting in Our Elections) Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State who blathering on about the horrible voter fraud going on with survivors voting under dead people’s names, Joyce said, “I can’t imagine how many widows are voting for their dead husbands.”  Huh? I really haven’t heard of thousands of little old ladies dressed up like their dead husbands to vote being arrested. I guess I haven't been paying attention. 

Louisiana Congressmoron Vance ( Pucker Up) McAllister is under pressure to resign after the married big-time family values Republican was caught on video kissing one of his staff members. I don’t know why the Republicans are so upset. After all he was kissing a woman. 

Stay tuned for future adventures

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