Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Politicans, Preachers and Pimps

 Actually I don’t have any stories on pimps, I just liked that title.

Congrats to Wendy Davis and Leticia Van de Putte in winning the Democratic primary for Governor and Lt. Governor of Texas. The Democrats now have two very capable and strong candidates to vote for: Now they just have to get out and VOTE. In the last general election, Texas was dead last in voting attendance.

Low voter turnout produces Republicans in office. The Republicans love to talk about New Jersey Governor Chris( Never Burn Your Bridges, Just Close Them) Christie’s landslide win last year in a Blue state.  What they don’t talk about is that the election had the lowest voter turnout in their history.

I can remember when conservative Republicans just hated frivolous lawsuits. Evidently that has changed because now they just love Texas Attorney General Gregg ( Hell on Wheels) Abbott who has sued the Federal Government 27 times and has lost 23 times. Wow, what a record. Ole Gregg has cost Texas millions of dollars in frivolous lawsuits.   Now you know why when you look in the dictionary for the word, hypocrite; it says, see Republicans.

Oh boy another Bush in Texas politics.  George Peckerhead Bush, nephew of George Warmonger Bush, won the Republican primary for Texas Land Commissioner.  I’m not sure young George knows what the Land Commissioner does.  When he first announced he was running for Land Commissioner he said, “Airplanes are a important part of our daily lives and the landing is the most important phase.”

This comes under the heading: Out of the Mouths of Boobs.
Pat (I Have God on Speed Dial) Robertson uttered this little gem yesterday. In an answer to a caller he said, “There’s nothing in the Bible that says you can’t marry your first cousin.”  Well yeah, since the Bible says that Adam and Eve populated the world, I would say there was a lot more incestuous crap going on than just cousins marrying.  He then went on to say, “You don’t want to have some mongoloid child.”
The Mongolian ambassador immediately issued a statement saying Pat would no longer be welcomed in their country. 

This just in:
I did find a story about a pimp.  Former Congressmoron Tom (I Used to be Called the Hammer, Now I’m Just a Tool) DeLay has a new job.  The Washington Times has hired little Tommy to write a column for the paper.  Tom said he would began just as soon as he could find someone to write the column.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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