Monday, March 17, 2014

Time To Turn Green

Hey it’s St. Patrick’s Day and I plan on being green all day today.  I have decided to be envious of everybody and everything the entire day.  I don’t have to worry about wearing something green or drinking green beer since being envious is quite easy.  I just drag out all of my resentments from the last twenty years and let my imagination go wild.

I have never understood the saying “Luck of the Irish.”  When you look at their history from the Great Potato Famine, religious wars and being ostracized when they immigrated to America, they don’t seem so lucky.  And speaking of the Great Potato Famine of 1845, why did all those potatoes move from Ireland to Idaho anyway?

Another one that boggles the mind is the Irish fascination with leprechauns.  If leprechauns are so cool why does the rest of the world treat leper colonies like the plague? I mean there is nothing lucky about having leprosy.    

One of the oldest Irish traditions, “Kiss me, I’m Irish,” and “Blarney Stone” goes all the way back to the Stone Age. It was started by Fred Flintstone’s third cousin, a well known gigolo and ladies man, Jim Bob BlarneyStone.

Of course St. Patty is most famous for driving the snake out of the Garden of Eden

In related items:

There is the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame featuring their star hunchback Quasimodo(he probably rings a bell) not to be confused with the bickering, sniping, arguing, complaining Irish Parliament and I would be remiss to not mention Ireland’s number one rock band, “Ewe Too.”

Stay tuned for future adventures.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Irish Spring and St. Paddy's Day to you Mr. Tanner.
