Friday, November 1, 2013

Much Ado About Very Little

There is no doubt that the roll out of the Healthcare website is a total fiasco but to watch the do nothing jerks in Congress posture and act so upset in front of the cameras is ridiculous. These boneheads who have done NOTHING and then pretend they are upset at something that isn’t working is a joke and for the Republicans who shutdown the Government because they hated Obamacare so bad to be pissed off because now it won’t work is really galling. I haven’t seen acting this bad since the last World Wrestling Championship.

One of the lamest was Texas Congressmoron Joe (I Voted for J.R. for President) Barton, who tried to make some goofy reference to The Wizard of Oz movie.  This is the bonehead who apologized to BP after they spilled about a gazillion barrels of oil in the Gulf.

The big difference between the Obamacare website and Congress is that the website will get fixed. Get the hook, time for them to go. The latest polls show that 63% of people would replace their own representatives.

It is also sorta confusing to see everyone so upset over all of the spying but didn’t make a whimper when the Patriot Act (the most un-patriotic legislation ever) was passed which gave NSA and every other agency carte blanche to do what ever they wanted. Thank you George Warmonger Bush and Darth Cheney.

I got a postcard in the mail today from The Texas Brain Institute.  They wanted to know if I had one. Evidently they have been reading my blog.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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