Monday, November 18, 2013

Halloween Maybe Over but There Are Still Some Scary People Out There

There has been a lot of talk over the last couple of years about the 1% and the 99%, the growing gap between the rich and the rest of us, but there is another percentage group that I think is a much bigger deal. That is the 9%.  If you are wondering who the 9% are, I’m going to tell you. I’m not exactly sure who they are but they are a really scary bunch.  They are the ones who think that Congress is doing a good job. 91% of Americans think that Congress is doing a lousy job, include me in this group, and then somewhere scattered around America there are the 9% who think everything is just fine. Do these boneheads live under a rock? Are they like cicada’s who only come out every 17 years?  Are they members of Al Qaeda or some other anti-American organization?

What is really scary is that I think they probably look like everyone else.  They could be the guy standing next to you in the grocery line or the woman in front of you at the post office.  Of course the upside is that at 9% you probably have a better chance of meeting a lottery winner than one of these goobers.

Another scary group around is folks who claim to be members of the Tea Party (aka Kochroaches).  They consist of low intelligence, highly intolerant, gun totting, scripture spewing assholes. The one good thing about these boneheads is that they are fairly easy to recognize.   

And then there are those humps who work at Rupert (I Hear What You’re Saying Because I Tapped Your Phone) Murdoch’s Faux News Channel. They scored a double whammy this week as the latest survey shows that the average age and I.Q. of their viewers is the same….65.

Former NFL quarterback Donovan McBad said yesterday that Jimmy Johnson was not an athlete.  Jimmy who won his sixth Championship title yesterday and is one of the greatest race car drivers ever trains by running triathlons.  I doubt if Donnie can spell triathlon.

 Former Illinois Gov. Rod (Hair-Brained) Blagojevich is headed back to court next month to appeal his corruption conviction.  I understand he is going to tell the judge he was a simply a victim of a really bad hair day. 

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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