Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Some Things To Ponder

Why do they have judges on Dancing with the Stars?

Why haven’t the Cheney family been invited to be on Family Fued?

Why are mega-church’s exempt from paying taxes?

Why do today’s Republican wackos repeatedly invoke Ronald Reagan's name when slamming President Obama and today’s policies?

•    Reagan raised taxes eleven times as President.

•    Reagan legalized abortion as Governor of California.

•    Reagan supported gun control.

•    Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times.

•    32 convictions in his administration during 8 years.

•    HUD Scandal 16 convictions   8 billion in taxpayer money lost
•    Ira-Contra scandal 14 convictions

•    S & L scandal over a trillion taxpayer dollars lost

•    Supply side (voodoo) economics.

•    130 separate investigations against the Defense dept contractors.

•    Record deficts.

•    And of course the decisions made by Nancy’s astrologer

They have freed the San Antonio 4 but what about the Indianapolis 500?

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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