Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Morning Quarterback

 Speaking of dumb.

Mitt (Ok So It Was More Than 47%))Romney is out giving the Republican Party advice on how to lose the next election and let’s face it; Mitt has got it down to a science.  He said in a speech this week that the Party did not need to make any major changes, in fact they didn’t need to make any changes. Romney’s rules of politics are never admitting you are wrong, if it’s broke; don’t have anything to do with it and lie, lie, lie.

The next time some gun nut starts spouting off about how we need guns in schools to protect the children or some other NRA talking point like (this is my favorite) “It takes a good man with a gun to bring down a bad man with a gun.” Remind them of the military trial going on right now with Maj. Nidal Hasan who killed 13 and wounded another 32 people at Fort Hood back in 2009.  Let’s see, it’s a military base. Gee, I wonder how many people were armed that day? Didn’t seem to make much difference to the 13 who are now dead, did it?

The Congressional Black Caucus has recommended Congressmoron Sheila Jackson(You're Fired) Lee for Homeland Security Secretary. Now if the Homeland Security Secretary’s job was to get coffee for the person running the Homeland Security, that might work, otherwise this is a very bad recommendation. Mrs. Lee is a bonehead who has a long history of saying really, really stupid things.  Once on a visit to NASA, she asked if they had a picture of the Astronauts planting an American flag on Mars.  I’m pretty sure she thinks Lance Armstrong was the first person to ride a bicycle on the moon.  How did Texas go from Barbara Jordon to this bonehead?

And then there is the story about an ex-Victoria Secret model that has found Jesus and decided to start a Christian Clothing line.  I don’t even know what that means.  I guess it is to counter all of those atheist clothing lines out there. Her clothes have Christian phrases on them.  I didn’t see any of the good ones though like, “An Eye for an Eye.” “If Your Children don’t Obey, Stone Them to Death’” “Money is the Root of All Evil.” There is also all of those cute little phrases on signs by folks who claim to be Christians like “God Hates Fags” and “Homosexuals are an Abomination,” that would probably be big sellers.

Jurors deliberating in the federal murder and extortion trial of reputed Boston mob boss James "Whitey" Bulger asked their first question of the judge last week. They wanted to know how to get into the witness protection program.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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