Friday, August 16, 2013

Flippant Friday

Today is National Joke Day and everyone is supposed tell a joke so here goes.  This is one of the first jokes I ever wrote.  I had to quit eating carrots because I couldn’t sleep.  I could see right through my eyelids.  I know…but it is about 40 years old. I do enjoy making folks laugh and do hope that these post bring a chuckle every now and then. 

Here are a few things I hope will at least bring a smile to your face.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions….

This is the sign where to turn to get to Texas Governor Rick (I Know My A B C’s I Just Can’t Count to Three) Perry’s house.

Here is a sign outside of Louie (I Really Am Dumber Than a Sack of Mud) Gohmert's home town.  He is into the three R’s.

And here is a sign located on the “Road of Good Intentions”

                And the sign in front of George Warmonger Bush's house. 

Here is the sign on the road to the office of the RNC.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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