Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday's Pondering

The latest polls in the New York mayor’s race show that Anthony (How Do You Like This Head Shot)Weiner really didn’t have any supporters after all.  They were just rubber neckers who slowed down and couldn’t quit looking at the accident.  According to Anthony’s last tweet, even his jock strap has left.  Talk about no support.

I saw where George ( Rambozo) Zimmerman was in our fair state this week.  Let me be the first to say, Keep moving, YOU’RE NOT WELCOME.  George was stopped for speeding and fortunately for him the officer did not subscribe to the George Zimmerman method of arrest.

Here is something to think about.  The United States represents about 5% of the world’s total population but we represent almost 25% of the world’s prison population.  In other words we have more people locked up than any country in the world.  Hmmm, is America the land of the free or the world’s biggest penal colony?

Why is Morning Joe (My Mouth is Much Larger than My Brain) Scarborough on MSNBC?  He is certainly narrow mined enough to be on Fox and he has a low enough IQ to still be in Congress. He recently raved how much he loved Darth Cheney and what a great job George Warmonger Bush did in Iraq. Yeah Joe, that has really turned out great.

The GOP is about to propose cutting food stamps by 40 billion dollars over the next ten years.  They sure don’t have a problem funding useless wars, rich grain companies and dead farmers, but to hell with those poor people.  After all those people are poor because they chose to be poor. Sorta like all of those gay people.

San Diego mayor Bob (I'm a Hands-On Kinda Guy) Filner is a real piece of work. Now he is claiming that because the city didn’t provide a sexual harassment training session that he didn’t know he was sexually harassing women. The problem is that it has come to light that he is the one who canceled the program. I get it why he spent thirty years in Congress.  This moron is too stupid to do anything else.

Hey Congress finally agreed on something.  They all agreed to leave town.  Of course leaving doesn’t change anything because they don’t do anything when they are there. They are on track to be the most unproductive Congress in history.  As they were oozing out the door, the House Republicans voted for the 40th time to repeal Obamacare.

Yes sir, your tax dollars at work.  Someone please tell me why we pay these assholes a salary.  Salaries that cost us almost 94 million dollars a year and that’s not counting their fabulous health benefits and retirement.

Stay tuned for future adventures

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