Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Oily Michele Bachmann

Michele (I Heart Big Oil) Bachmann is once again talking out of both sides of her mouth.  On one hand she says she would consider allowing drilling in the Everglades, if it wouldn’t hurt the environment.  Well that could never happen.  Just ask Exxon or British Petroleum or the folks in Alaska or the Gulf of Mexico.  On the other hand, she says she is in favor or completely eliminating the Environmental Protection Agency.  Michele, why are you so concerned about big oil?  What have they ever done for you?

So Michele (I may be even dumber than you think) Bachmann says that the recent earthquake and Hurricane Irene was God’s way of getting politicians attention to the debt and deficit problem.  First of all isn’t she a politician and do you really think God is worried about the debt and deficit problem? 

Here is something to look forward to:  Mrs. Bachmann has written a memoir (I’m sorry but I have to roll in the floor here with laughter) and it will be coming out in November.  Who knew she could write?  No title as of yet but here are a few suggestions.
•    Open Mouth, Insert Foot
•    Running For President For Dummies
•    I Just Pray That I’m Not Married to a Gay Man
•    How To Get Attention by Saying Really Stupid Things.
•    I Believe Anybody Can Be President, Even an Idiot.
•    Bachmann Debacle
•    Minnesota Moron.
•    History of Minnesota: From Fats to Flake.

Here are few things that Rick (I’m so full of bullshit, it’s leaking out of my boots) Perry is not telling people about on the campaign trail. Texas has the most people in the country without health insurance and we are number one in the fewest people who graduate from high school. 

Or how about this one, Perry and the Republican-controlled Texas legislature requested, received and used $6.4 billion in stimulus money to help balance the budget. 97 percent of the budget shortfall was filled with stimulus money.

I keep reading about people bitching and harping about coverage of Hurricane Irene being over done.  Would ya’ll feel better if about 5000 people had been killed and billions of dollars worth of damage had been done?  I’m not saying the media didn’t do their usual over the top job, of course they did, but if it upsets you, don’t watch it.  And don’t blame the weather people; it’s the news directors that call the shots.  They say what goes on the air.

The rebels in Libya still haven’t found Gadafi but then again they haven’t searched Condoleezza Rice’s house yet...

After seeing the new list of contestants for “Dancing With the Stars” I’m wondering why the word “Stars” is still in the title?

Here is a headline for you…”Construction bounce seen from Irene”…YOU THINK?

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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