Friday, September 2, 2011

Flippant Friday

I have been trying to come up with some jokes about former Vice-President Darth (I really am a Dick) Cheney’s memoir but have come up totally blank.  Apparently there is absolutely nothing funny about starting wars and torturing people by water boarding.

The memoir is entitled In My Time.  Personally I would like to read about him “doing time” as a war criminal.  Darth has supposedly suffered 4 heart attacks.  I say supposedly because I always thought you had to have a heart to have a heart attack.  

Anheuser-Busch has created a Facebook page to enable parents to talk with experts and help educate their children about underage drinking.  I understand the number one tip is to never order Coors, Miller’s  or any Mexican beer.   Other great tips are where to buy fake id’s, how to look older and always avoid throwing up on your date or in your parents car.

Why do they call it Fox news?  To my knowledge they have never run a single story about a fox.

I can’t believe the Rebels in Libya still don’t know where Gadhafi Duck  is….Don’t they have Google? 

Slick Rick (I’m not a crook) Perry is the Texas version of Tricky Dick (I’m not a crook) Nixon.  Both are cut from the same sleazy, unethical, corrupt, serial politician cloth. 

It appears that Bill (I’m not as fat as Rush, but I have just as big an ego) O’Rielly’s little wifey pooh was having an affair with a detective from the Long Island Police Department.  I guess you could say she went from a Political Dick to a Police Dick.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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