Friday, August 19, 2011

Flippant Friday

The Republican Party has come up with a slogan for 2012.  After much teeth gnashing, head slapping and grumbling, the GOP has decided on a motto.  They went back and pulled out an old model, polished it up, re-worked it and tweaked it for today’s times.  I think it really captures the spirit of the party. 

Yesterday in New Hampshire Governor Rick ( I make “W” look like a genius) Perry said, "In Texas, we teach both creationism and evolution in our public schools."  Clay Robison, a spokesman for the Texas State Teachers Association, the state’s teachers’ union, says, “It is not part of the recognized official state curriculum.”  Later Slick Rick said he meant in Vacation Bible School. 

Icky Ricky also cleared up the reason Texas is suffering through one of the worst droughts ever and multiple days of over 100 degrees of heat.  He said that scientist have manipulated data.  I’m shocked…I had no idea he knew the word manipulated.

Michele Bachmann said in an interview this week that one of the biggest fears of the American people was the rise of the Soviet Union and that as soon as she was President she would meet with Nikita Khrushchev and put him in his place. Michele also said if she were elected President she would bring back $2 a gallon gasoline and the Beetles.  She said was going to get a hold of John Lennon in the next few days..  Does this bimbo need a keeper or what?
A former sheriff from a rural county in northwestern Missouri has pleaded guilty to coercing eight women to expose their breasts and other areas of their bodies during law enforcement searches. Neal Wayne “Bear” Groom served as Worth County sheriff for eight years.  Now I figure if your sheriff is named “Bear,” it’s pretty much a given that he is going to be a redneck yahoo.

HP, the poster child for how run a business….right into the ground.
Here is a headline for you.  Report: Most Adults Behind On Vaccinations
I believe that should read, Most Adults Vaccinations Are in the Behind.

Today's good read is Spiral by Paul McEuen.  This is Paul's debut novel and it is a page turner that takes you into the world of biological warfare. 

 Stay tuned for future adventures.

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