Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Michele Sticks It In Her Mouth Again

Just when you thought she couldn’t say anything dumber.   Michele (I make Sarah Palin look smart) Bachmann does it again.  Yesterday she gets off her bus tour and says happy birthday to Elvis.  Of course yesterday is when The King left the building.

Newsflash… THERE IS NO TEA PARTY.  There is only disgruntled, whinny, wacko fringe Republicans.  There is not a single member of Congress that has the initials TP(Tea Party) beside his name.  There is only R for Republican, D for Democrat or I for Independent.  Although I will admit that there are a number of people in Congress who should have TP beside their name for Total Pinhead. So for all you Tea Party wing nuts, take your Tea Party crap and shove it.  You are Republicans.

The economic experts are now weighing in on latest batch of snake oil that Rick (Mr. Landgrab) Perry is trying to sell to the country that is known as the “Texas Miracle.”  They have found that all of his bullshit about low unemployment comes from either government jobs or low income jobs. Texas is tied with Mississippi for the highest percentage of minimum wage jobs.  The “Texas Miracle” is actually the “Texas Mirage.”

The main reason that Texas has had a fairly robust economy for most of Icky Ricky’s time in office is because of the price of oil. Texas is also number one in having the most residents without health insurance. Perry handled the state’s budget shortfall by cutting millions from education and state agencies.  What a guy…

 According to the Mayans, Rick Perry will be elected President in 2012.

I just read where there is this 4 year old kid who is a preacher and then I see that he is from Mississippi….Never mind.

For the sports addicted out there whose mantra is “We can’t get enough sports on TV” there is hope.   ESPN (Every Sport Per Nauseam) will be televising 69 Little League games in a 19-day span before the championship Aug. 28.  I am sure they will be televising T-Ball by next year.

 A story making the rounds on the Internet about the tragedy in Indiana State Fair is causing a stir.  In the article written by some pinhead named Josh Grossberg, it states that Sugarland, the country music act that was supposed to play that day was saved because they were having a prayer circle. 

Josh has this line in the story, “Looks like God was listening.”  Let me see if I have this straight, as far as anybody knows, the five people who died could have uttered a last ditch, last minute prayer, but since they weren’t in a circle, God wasn’t listening? Since they weren’t country music singers, God couldn’t be convinced to spare them?  What the hell kind of God are we talking about here? 

Well gee, Josh, I wonder what the families of the five people who were killed thought about your theory?
What an absolutely stupid thing to say.  The fact is the prayer circle has nothing to do with it.  Sugarland could have been plotting to kill, maim and rob people and they still would have lived.  They were in the right place at the right time and the five that got killed, sadly weren’t.
I am weary of God getting the credit when someone doesn’t die and not being held accountable when someone does.  I am also weary of the self-appointed mouthpieces of God, who claim to know the mind of God and speak for he/she/it here on earth.

Stay tuned for future adventures

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