Friday, August 5, 2011

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

What to do, what to do?  Seems like everyday is filled with decisions that we have to make and a lot of the time without much information.  Sorta like this sign.  Gee I wonder which lane is going to be closed?   I wonder what dumbass made the decision about this sign?  My guess is that it would be somebody high up in management or Congress...

At least 76 salmonella illnesses nationwide have been linked to Turkey.  Damn, do we not have any allies in the Middle East?

Doctors in Houston are reporting a rise in foot and mouth disease.  I am really shocked by this.  I didn’t think that Michele Bachmann had ever been to Houston.

Congressman David Wu, Democrat from Oregon resigned this week.  In his letter of resignation he said, “There is no other job where you get up every day and ask, 'How can I try to make the world a better place today?'"  He evidently decided he could make the world a better place by resigning.  Now if the rest of Congress would just follow suit.

Dallas is coming up on it’s 5th day in a row of temperatures of 105 degrees or more.  Whew.  I'm sure glad Michele Bachmann has told us that global warming is a hoax.  I feel cooler already.  

A Swedish man who was arrested after trying to build a nuclear reactor in his kitchen has said that he bought some of the radioactive materials he used on eBay. They must have been listed under Terrorist Supplies.

The Postal Service said it lost $5.7 billion during the nine-month period that ended June 30.  And I thought they were just losing my mail.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

1 comment:

  1. Great Post Rod..Keep it up my friend..stay cool and healthy.
