Monday, August 15, 2011

OMG..Not Again


I am hoping the whole country is collectively saying, “Not another Texan in the White House.”  I live in Texas and I think Texas has a very poor record when it comes to Presidents. 

I believe “W” will go down as one to the worst Presidents we’ve had.  He was not evil; just inept.  I don’t believe the man has ever had an original thought.  The only thing “W” ever had going for him was the legacy of his last name and Karl Rove, who told him what to do.

The other Texan in the White House was LBJ.  I think Lyndon did one good thing, Civil Rights, for which he should get full credit, but according to many of the people who worked with him and have written about the experience, he was mean, dishonest, manipulating and over-all not a very good President. 

Our latest candidate for the gig is Rick (I really want to be King) Perry.  Of the three, Perry is without a doubt the most pure professional and polished politician, which on the Tanner scale means as a human being he is the lowest bottom feeder of all.  He strikes me as a truly despicable person with no moral or ethical standards.

But even if the country one year from this November went completely stupid for one day, I don’t think the world would end.  We have had some really bad Presidents during our 235 year history and we are still standing.  Calvin Coolidge, Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding and Howard Taft to name a few, have resided at the White House for a while and the country didn’t fall apart.

In my life time we have suffered through three really bad Presidents besides “W.”  I think Richard Nixon really was “A crook,” and Ronald Reagan was a mediocre actor who was a terrible President.  He doubled the deficit; inflation went through the roof and the combination of his “Trickle-down-economics” which doesn’t work and de-regulation was the catalyst that got the ball rolling for the financial collapse of 2007 which we are still suffering through today.  I also think Jimmy Carter is a good person but was a bad President. 

Our real problem has always been Congress.  The latest polls show that 84% of the country thinks they are doing a bad job, but here is the kicker: a 56% majority think that their Representative or Senator should stay in office.  It’s always the other guy who is screwed up.  Since we can only vote for our guy and not vote out the other guy, nothing changes.  DUH…the Homer Simpson factor is alive and well.

If your Representative or Senator has been there for a long time, then he is doing a bad job.  He or she is part of the problem.  There are a number of people who have been in Congress almost as long as I can remember.  They are NOT doing a good job.  If they were, we wouldn’t be in the trouble we are in today.  The only way to change that is to vote them out!  In other words, if you really want change, YOU HAVE TO VOTE YOUR PERSON OUT.  Everyone should have some loyalty to the state they live in but we are Americans and that means doing what is right for the whole country.

I didn’t believe in term limits for a long time.  I thought the democratic process was the way but since the politicians have manipulated the system so badly, I think it is time to try it. 

John Boehner won’t even say the word compromise.  Hey, life is a compromise.  We don’t always get to have everything we want every time. To have no compromise is not a democratic society; it is a dictatorship, and I’m not ready to drag out the throne for any party.

I think that ole rock & roll philosopher Mick Jagger said it best, “You many not get to keep the Senator or Representative you want, but if you vote them out of office, you might get what you need.”

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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