Friday, November 19, 2010

The Same Ole News

When Rep. Charles Rangel spoke before the House Ethics Committee yesterday, he kept saying, “I’m not a crook.”  Didn’t someone else say that?  Sounds familiar…..He also said, “I didn’t try to hide anything.”  Well hell, no wonder he got caught….

Have you noticed how under the radar Tom DeLay’s money laundering trial is?  Did you even know it was going on?  That’s because nobody gives a shit about Tom DeLay anymore.

A gay couple got married on a plane while flying over Canada where gay marriage is legal.  Pat Robertson said he was shocked…..He couldn’t believe that God hadn’t struck the plane down.
Lisa Murkowski's has won the Alaska election for Senator as a write-in candidate.  Sounds to me like the TLC producers screwed up, maybe it should be Lisa Murkowski’s Alaska

Here is a little Christmas present for everybody that is unemployed. Republicans in the House have blocked a bill that would have extended jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed beyond the holiday season.  I guess there are no unemployed Republicans. Isn’t that nice? Could it be that the G in GOP stands for Grinch?

Two former longtime employees at Bernard Madoff's firm were arrested on Thursday in connection with the investigation into the now-imprisoned swindler's Ponzi scheme, the FBI said.  What?.....Bernie didn’t pull off the 65 Billion dollar scheme all by himself.  I sure didn’t see this one coming.

I feel bad for all those folks in Haiti.  No wonder they call it Haiti.

In 1867 when Congress approved of the purchase of the territory that is now known as Alaska, the Republicans were against it.  They said it contained nothing of value but furbearing animals, and these had been hunted until they were nearly extinct.  Wow, sounds like Sarah Palin’s Alaska to me.

The TV show Medium just got canceled.  The star of the show is a psychic who works for the Phoenix police department.  You would have thought she would have seen this coming.

Today's good read is Fly By Wire by Ward Larsen. A well written story with a twist on a terrorist attack on the US. 

Stay tuned for future adventures and see more Sleeps Til Noon at

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