Friday, November 5, 2010

Tap Dancing With The Stars

Speaking of dancing, it is pretty obvious that dancing has very little to do with “Dancing With The Stars.”  Why don’t they just go ahead and change the name to “Voting For My Favorite Dip-Shit Wanna-Be-Celebrity.

So Charley Sheen has hired a sobriety coach.  I can’t quit laughing. I’m not sure there is such a thing. It sounds more like something the pr people thought up.  Maybe he should hire a grow-up-and-be-a-responsible-adult coach or a quit-acting-like-a-jerk coach.  Maybe he should hire Sarah Palin to show him how to quit drinking and drugging.  After all she quit being Governor in the middle of her term, so she certainly knows how to be a quitter.

I love finding where words came from.  Do you know the origin of the word dagnabit?  The Beverly Hillbillies.

Another jerk water CEO has bit the dust….for a while anyway.  Randy Michaels, who recently was paid millions of dollars to run the Tribune Company into bankruptcy, has resigned. This was after he ran Clear Channel Radio into bankruptcy.  I’m sure some other large corporation with tons of money to lose will come along and pay him a truck load of cash to ruin their company also.  Why I can’t get jobs like that?  I can screw up a ball-bearing if you give me enough time.

Have you noticed these CEO’s are just like football and baseball managers? No matter how bad they screw things up, they just move from job to job.  You know, like the priest in the Catholic Church. The only way they break the cycle is if they go to prison.  The corporate world is the epitome of the good ole boys network. They each have a hand in each other’s pocket, or with the priest, it’s their hand in your pants.

I see where Randy Quaid just forfeited a million dollars in bonds by not showing up in court again.  He is seeking asylum in Canada.  The keyword here is asylum and I think maybe an asylum is exactly where Randy should be.

Stay tuned for future adventures and be sure and check for more Sleeps Til Noon stuff at

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