Friday, December 26, 2014

A Few Odds & Ends.

The New York Times is reporting that the winner of the longest winded bonehead in Congress goes to Texas Congressmoron Louie (I Really Am as Dumb as I Look) Gohmert.  Louie abused the ears and brains of his fellow congressmorons some 29 hours this past year.  A number of his fellow congressmorons said that next year they would chose water boarding over Louie’s inane rantings.

 The runner up long winded yacky doodle was Congressmoron Steve (No I Didn’t Write The Shining, but I Almost Wrote a Bill Once) King of Iowa. Steve only wasted some 9 hours harping on things that nobody cared about.  Thanks to my favorite bother-in-law for the heads up.  

I understand that now Sony Pictures has decided to release The Interview in select cities that Kim Jon-unhappy is really upset.  It seems that Pyongyang wasn’t selected.  Of course Pyongyang’s one theater can only run 16millimeter film.

I would also like to say happy birthday to a very special someone who was born on December 25th.  That would be Isaac (Apple Core, Apple Core) Newton because if he hadn’t discovered gravity, we would all be floating around in space. 

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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