Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday Morning Blah Blahs

So it took nine cops in Stockton, Ca to arrest a 16 year old kid who was accused of jaywalking.  Wow, it’s a good thing this kid hadn’t robbed a bank or they would have to have called in the National Guard.

Dumbest statement of the last Republican Debate Debacle was Jeb (At Least I’m Not Neil) Bush saying “my brother kept us safe.”  Evidently Jeb thinks “W” didn’t become President until September 12th. 2001.  

 Oops, that doesn’t work either.

Donald (Hair-Brained) Trump and one of his moron supporters had this little conversation last week.  “We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims. You know our current president is one.” an unidentified man said to Trump and he replied, “We need this question,” Notice how the racist Republicans have cleverly changed the “N” word to the “M” word so they can say it in public.

After thinking about it for a couple of weeks, Trumpypooh  finally came up with his favorite Bible verse, It’s “the truth, you can’t handle the truth.”  Evidently The Don believes in gospel of  Jack..

Jade Helm is officially over in Texas and here is the final report.

People incarcerated in Wal-Mart stores…0

Number of guns taken by the military…0

Number of people arrested for speaking against the government…0

Number of Chinese soldiers invading Texas…0

Number of FEMA camps set up…0

Number of Boneheads who live in Bastrop, Texas …..What ever is on the city limit sign.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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