Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday's Soap Box

It is apparent that all TeaNut religious wacko Republicans take the Hypocrite oath. That is “Always say one thing and do another.”   Look at all of the bonehead politicians who ranted and whined about the Pope talking about climate change, but it is okay for them to bring religion into everything they talk about.

They talk about how we must save those poor little defenseless fetuses, but cut food stamps for actual children who don’t have enough to eat. They rave on about the importance of traditional marriage and then get divorced 4 or 5 times and have affairs. They love the Constitution right up until it doesn’t give them an excuse to be a racist or bigot and then they want to change it.  They love the Bible until the same thing happens.   

They all claim to be Pro-Life, but love the death penalty and are for war.  They are all for the rule of law until they don’t like the law. Kim (Homophobic Hick) Davis and Cliven (Deadbeat) Bundy are their poster kids on this one.  They don’t believe in climate change, but believe the earth is less than ten thousand years old. 

One of their main mantras is what a terrible President Obama has been.  Let’s take a look at that.

Of course they know better than to bring up George Warmonger Bush, well most of them, evidently Jeb (At Least I’m Not Neil) Bush didn’t get that memo, so they go to their patron saint Ronald (Bad Actor, Worse President) Reagan.  Let’s see how little Ronnie holds up.

Too bad they didn’t listen to this guy. .

By the way, I understand the video clip that snarly Carly (I Can Run Any Business Into The Ground) Fiorina was talking about during the last Republican debacle was actually a clip from “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.”   

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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