Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday Musing

I can remember a time when I had quite a few friends that were Republicans and we actually had different opinions on very few things.  I’m an Independent and as you can tell if you read this little piece of fluff regularly, I’m pretty liberal on most things.  Anyway today’s Republican Party is vastly different from the Republican Party that my friends believed in.

I believe the demise of the big elephant in the room began when the Republicans opened their arms and took in the racist Dixecrats who were fleeing the Democratic Party because of the Civil Rights movement. The next blunder was jumping in bed with the Far Right Religious Wackos and of course the icing on the cake was the emergence of the incredibly narrow-minded, gun toting, bad spelling faux patriotic Tea Nuts.

You now have a party of low intelligent, poor redneck misogynistic, homophobic, bigots and their poster boy is Donald (Hair-Brained) Trump. Obviously the banana doesn’t fall far from the tree.  The New York Times just dug up a story about Donnie Boy’s dad being arrested with some KKK goons in 1927.  The thing about these boneheads who support Trump and most of today’s Republican leaders that I don’t understand is why they continue to vote against their own self-interest until they go to meet Jesus, who by the way from everything I’ve ever read was most definitely a liberal. 

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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