Monday, May 11, 2015

New Week, Same Ole Stuff

All 6 candidates from the Republican Party who have officially tossed their hats halos into the ring to be President King and 4 more waiting stage far right were at South Carolina’s Freedom Summit this past weekend.   The amazing thing is that every single one of them indicated that Jesus will be their running mate.

The other topic discussed was how President Obama tried to disrupt their little “Jesus loves me more than you” fest by allowing tropical storm Ana to come into South Carolina the same weekend. 

Word was that Obama signed an executive order allowing Tropical storm Ana to break the rules by forming early.  They said everyone knows that hurricane season doesn’t start until June 1st.  It’s been that way for two thousand years.  It’s in the scriptures.  Ignoramus 3;14  in the Bible clearly states that “thou shall not blow until the rising of the sun on the first day of the 6th month” and for a tropical storm to form that early was an abomination.   

They all agreed it was just another way of Obama showing that he wasn’t a good Christian.


In keeping with the age old Republican tradition of flip/flopping, I noticed that Jeb (At Least I’m Not Neal) Bush has gone from this

To this.

Jeb, what a dumb name, announced last week that brother Warmonger was going to be his foreign policy consultant.  That’s like making Al Capone the warden.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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