Thursday, March 7, 2013

Around the World in Eighty Words, Or So.

It looks like the upcoming election for the new President of Venezuela is going to get nasty.  All of the front runners, Newt Gutierrez, Mitt Ramos and Rick Perez are well known for mudslinging and misinformation.

The Cardinals are all gathered at the Vatican seeing who draws the short straw to see who is next in the barrel.  They will also be electing a new Pope while they are there.   

A million people have exited Syria, unfortunately not one of them was President Bashar al-Assad.

Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, Bin Laden’s son-in-law was captured today.  He said he was on his way to the United States to be on The Family Feud.  It was going to be his family vs America.

                                                        Pondering and Musing.

Why isn’t Tom DeLay’s dumb ass sitting on a cold hard bench in prison somewhere?

Why do Supreme Court Judges have a life-time gig?  Didn’t we learn a lesson about life-time jobs from J. Edgar Hoover.  By the way you do know the J stood for Janet.

Why don’t all of the contestants, except one, die on Survivor?

Why are most of the comments on Social Media anti-social?

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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