Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Pondering and Musing

Watching the NRA shooting themselves in the foot has been most entertaining. It seems Executive Vice-President Wayne (I Only Shoot My Mouth Off) LaPierre and President Oliver (Iran-Contra Felon) North decided to have a gun fight. They accused each other of stealing money from their membership. The fun part is that they were both right. Here is a little history of the NRA.

The NRA started as the National Rifle Assocation. When they decided to get into politics they dropped gun safety completely and it became No Rifles Anymore because they were only interested in selling hand guns and assault weapons. Not long after getting into politics they morphed into becoming the National Radical Assholes. When the 2016 election came along, they became Now Rubbles Accepted. And finally after the story broke that the top leaders and venders was embezzling money from the subscribers, they became Now Robbing Assets

I watched the Kentucky Derby and thought it was a great race. I also thought it took a lot of courage for the Stewards of the Kentucky Racing Commission to make the call that Maximum Security interfered with other horses to win and disqualify him. Wow we could have used these guys in the 2016 election. 

I am pretty sure that all the information that is coming out of the Muller Report is making Donald (Little DICK-Tator) Trump's hair stand on end. Facts are like Kryptonite to Trumpie Poo.

500 former Federal Prosecutors have signed a letter saying that after reading the Muller Report that Trump was definitely guilty of obstruction.  When told of the letter, Donnie told one of his aides that this was serious and to get Perry Mason on the phone.

Jerry Falwell Jr. thinks that Trump should get two more years because of the Russian investigation by Muller.The prosecutors say obstruction should warrant around five years but I'll go with Jerry and say that The Don should really get 7 to 9 years in the Federal pen.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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