Monday, May 20, 2019

More Preachers, Politicians And Pimps

The usual disclaimer: There is nothing in here about pimps.

Donald (Little DICK-Tator) Trump wants to celebrate Memorial Day by pardoning War Criminals.I understand he is torn between calling it National Benedict Arnold Day or Anti-Geneva Conventions Day. I am pretty sure this is the first step in pardoning family and associates. A whistle blower has come forward saying Deutsche Bank covered up 2016 Kushner money transfers with Russia.

Tennessee Preacher David (I Believe In The Laying of Hands All Over My Daughter) Richards who was convicted last week of raping his adopted daughter for two years received a very light sentence. Judge Steve (Not The Sharpest) Sword gave him 12 years instead of the 72 years prosecutors asked for. Judge Steve cited the Pastors"good work" in the community and praised him for leading a bible study group while he was incarcerated. I believe they were studying Ignoramus 4-23 which says "women are just property." Obviously both of these assholes believe in the God of Misogamy. The only bright spot in this ugly story is a petition calling for Judge Steve to be removed from the bench has already gotten 14,000 signatures.

I understand Sarah (My Daddy Is A Dip Shit and So Am I) Sanders picture has started showing up on milk cartoons.

I have never been to New Zealand but it seems like a really good place to live. It only took their Parliament 15 days to outlaw assault weapons after a Trump supporting right wing white supremacist killed 51 people in two mosques. Yesterday they voted the lawmaker out of office who had said that immigration was to blame for the massacre.

I am proud to say that my little blog is being read in a number of countries around the world. I'm not sure why, but it is nice to know. It seems my biggest following is in France. I have no idea why, but I would love to visit there sometime.  My two favorite things about France are Inspector Clouseau and Pepe Le Pew.

Stay tuned for future adventures

1 comment:

  1. I would gladly watch Sarah at another news conference if only she had to repeat her real name you have given her every time she lied for Little Dick-Tator Trump.
