Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Musing And Pondering

Do winery's have signs in their restrooms that say; "All employees must wash their feet before returning to work" Just wondering.

It seems that Mississippi State Representative Republican Douglas (HURRY UP DAMN IT) McLeod doesn't get laid very often. He was arrested for punching his wife in the face for not getting undressed fast enough for sex. He has very quickly been asked to resign.

Donald (Little DICK-Tator) Trump stormed out of his meeting with the Democrats and threw a tantrum in the Rose Garden today. I understand he stomped his feet, held his breath until he turned blue and cried "everybody is picking on me." He then went back into the Oval Office and curled up under his desk and went to sleep.

After his nap, Trumpypoo told everyone that he was the most transparent President in History. You have to admit the fact that he is a giant con man and crook is clear as a bell.

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben (Wake Me Up When It's Over) Carson 
proved once again during a hearing this week that he is the only brain surgeon on the planet that has very little brains. He is so incompetent in his job that he couldn't answer simple questions. He didn't know a common term used in the housing industry. I saw an incredibly stupid picture of Ben on Facebook holding up a sign that said he was Christian. I believe if you have to tell people that you are a Christian, you are probably not a very good Christian.

On a serious note. It has been sixty days since the Muller Report came out and most of the people in Congress have not read it yet. I find that pathetic.CONGRESS DO YOUR JOB. I read it as soon as it became available and found that it proved convincingly that Trump does not deserve to be President of the United States.

Stay tuned for future adventures.

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